Angels Unite

Angels Unite
Angels Unite

Thursday, October 3, 2013

Day 6 644/700: Dedicated to Christian Ritterbusch

We have dedicated days to several children inflicted with HLH.  Although we would love to be able to know all the kids out there and dedicate to all of them a day, regretfully there are only 7 days.  This does not mean we do not think of them or not dedicate our cycling to them on the contrary we dedicate this entire cycling ride to all HLH warriors out there.

Today we dedicate the day to a special family the Ritterbusch family and their son Christian Ritterbusch.  Christian is an HLH warrior.  Regretfully last year he lost his brother to HLH.  It is hard to imagine losing one child to HLH but then to have a second child inflicted with this illness is unimaginable.  On top of that his mother is now dealing with her own health challenges and is being checked herself for HLH.  I hope there is a god and that he finds mercy for this family who has gone through hell once and now has to go to it again, not once again but possibly twice.  Please send to all our HLH warriors lots of positive thoughts and prayers, and keep this family especially in your thoughts.

Courtsey of the Matthew and Andrew foundation.

644 miles done - 58 to go!!!!!!

Today was a good day: nice weather and beautiful towns but a little warm.  We all departed after little sleep from yesterday's fabulous Hope Gala.   Soon after our departure two cyclist were retired Speedy and Achilles.  Speedy had problems with his clips on his shoes and could not properly clip in thus needed a bike store for repair.  And Achilles, although every morning he gets on the bike in an effort to keep trying despite the injuries, could not put any pressure on his left leg due to the continuing pain in the left knee and achilles.  Result: Iron Man, Bolt and Energizer Bunny were the only ones left.

By lunch time the support team had found a bike store in the middle of nowhere in Kentucky, Shelbyville.  Speedy got his shoes fixed and as soon as they were fixed Bolt showed up on his bike.  Together they cycled happily ever after into the sunset.  Like true heroes they cycled for hours and hours today.  Chased by more dogs, turkeys and whatever else in nature that does not like bikes.

Can you see the exhaustion on Speedy's face.

Iron man and Energized Bunny were even approached by a gentleman informing them that they should wear white socks so drivers could see them better.  I guess the lights on the bike and the colorful shirts are not enough...white socks?! Seriously man, white socks to be visible?!  They also encountered a man who with a big smile on his face was trying to kill a small snake with a twig.... a twig branch against a snake?!  Sure!  Why not!

Now when all of this was happening Achilles was passed out sleeping in the RV-van drugged up with Hydrocodon-Acetaminophen, a painkiller that makes you sleep like sleeping beauty...although Achilles in tights is less appealing.  Tomorrow we try again...and if not next year we are back to try again.

In the late afternoon Speedy was retired again, issues with his bike. The issues are still resulting from the bike pile up on Day 2.  It was advised for Speedy to retire for the day.  Around the same time Iron Man had knee problems and was also retired for the day, after an amazing day of cycling.

Energizer Bunny and Bolt were the only cyclist to finish the day despite the dogs, sun, heat, trucks, etc ...  Congrats to them because this ain't no joy ride that is for sure.

Tomorrow is our last day cycling.  58 miles of the 700 are remaining.  58 miles to the finish line at Cincinnati Childrens Hospital, the Center of Excellence in the world for HLH.  We will be excited and happy to arrive at destination but we are sad because it is the last day of an amazing trip with amazing people.

PS: Achilles (me) will ride straight into the ER to get the left leg looked at because walking with a stiff leg all day long is certainly not fun.

Sleepy sleep

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