Angels Unite

Angels Unite
Angels Unite

Saturday, September 28, 2013

Day 1 Miles 103.5: Dedicated to Claire Biangardi, HLH Warrior

Every day of our ride is dedicated to an HLH warrior, today we dedicate our 103.5 mile ride to CLaire Biangardi.  She is 3 years old and was diagnosed with HLH in July 2013, she is lined up to receive a Bone Marrow Transplant in the months to come.  We wish her lots of strength n her fight for the life she deserves.  We hope that our day may be an inspiration to her to keep fighting.
To a special girl:
Courtesy of the Akin Foundation.

A few years back when Miabelle was going through her BMT, Justin Akin dedicated his first cycling day to Miabelle.  Still today it touches us that he dedicated a day to her.  Thank you Justin!

A quick word on Miabelle before I go nuts about this cycling trip, Mama said that Miabelle was doing much better but that she was misbehaving all day.  Good news is that she is better, bad news is that we have no idea where the fevers came from.  Well, time will tell.

As to the ride, it was not easy to say the least.  Not because of the muscles cramping up (that started happening in the last 10 miles) but who ever invented the road bike saddle did not really care about comfort... let me tell you our hineys are suffering BIG TIME!   I can barely sit on a chair to write this blog.

The day went something like this:
-Depart Jackson MS at 6am by car to Natchez Mississipi, the start (100 miles away).  Once we arrived the amazing thing was that a former nurse of Cincinnati Childrens (I think) had gathered an entire community to welcome us and cycle the first few miles with us.  There are some very nice people in Mississippi.  Thank you!!!!!
 Loading up on carbs!

Men in tights...Ladies Oh behave!

Ready Freddy....not really!

-At Mile 45 we had a lunch break.  Our supporting team had prepared a delicious sandwich buffet.  I think Gordon Ramsey would not even been able to top it.  Fatigue did start to set in at the last 5 miles of the first 45, but after a break we moved on.

 Finally a break.

 Support team - Thanks for your care.

 Dennis the Menace - still smiling.

Patrick Peloton leader - still smiling.

-At Mile 72, the support team again setup tent to welcome us for some snacks.  Well, just before getting there I will confess Dennis and I truly and definitely started to feel the hiney-does-not-like-the-saddle-no-more.  My goodness during them last two miles I started to wonder what the hell I was doing on the bike ride, but have no fear I am not a quitter.  These kids can fight HLH and survive a bone marrow transplant than I can get my hiney on a bike and put the metal to the peddle.  Once we were recharged we started our final 31 miles.

-Mama Mia!!!  After cycling 103.5 miles, it hurt so bad that I was cycling standing up.  We arrived, got changed and awaiting to go for dinner we looked like this:

Both of them actually fell asleep awaiting to go to dinner.

 Team Cycling for an HLH Cure

 Canada is present.

I would like to finish by saying that Sean, a young gentleman from Canada who had HLH in 2008 and received a transplant the same year, is a true inspiration and we are so blessed to have him on our cycling team.  Not only did he fight HLH and have a bone marrow transplant but he had a hip replacement as the result of the steroids he received to control the HLH.  Still today he has major muscle pains from all the steroids.  Well believe it or not but he cycled with us today and will cycle the remaining 600 miles.  He is an inspiration because he is a fighter but more importantly his attitude on life and the challenges in life is so amazing.  His drive and perseverence is impressive to say the least.   Despite the steroids, HLH and BMT he shows us all that you can do anything you put your mind to regardless of what destiny serves you.  An amazing young man.  We are so blessed to have you on the team and keep inspiring all these kids because you are the hope they need and deserve!

Personally I hope that Miabelle grows up to be the optimist that Sean is!

These are the stats:
103.5 Miles (166.56 km)
6280 Calories
6 h 28 M on the bike
2755 vertical feet (800 meters) of hills

Ok, got to go.  My hiney is killing me and I am REALLY REALLY REALLY tired!!!!

Sleepy sleep,

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